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Industrial network switches lead the digital revolution of smart airports

As an important transportation hub in modern society, the airport is not only the starting point and end point of travel, but also a link connecting the world. With the continuous advancement of technology, airports are also continuously implementing digital transformation to provide more efficient, convenient and safer services. Behind the digital transformation of airports, industrial network switches are playing an indispensable role. This article will take an in-depth look at the application of industrial switches in smart airports and how they are becoming a key engine of the digital revolution.

1. The importance of airport digital transformation

Smart airports are airports based on the use of intelligent systems, such as sensors and devices configured for specific purposes in different areas, to control, manage and plan their operations in a centralized digital environment.

Modern airports are no longer just traditional transportation hubs, they have become intersections of information and data. Digital transformation not only improves passenger experience, but also greatly improves the efficiency and safety of airport operations.

Smart airport

2. Key advantages of industrial network switches

Industrial network switches have obvious advantages in the digital transformation of smart airports, as follows: 

2.1 High reliability 

Industrial network switches are typically designed for use in extreme environments and are capable of maintaining a high degree of reliability under harsh conditions. As an all-weather operation site, airports have extremely high requirements for network reliability, and industrial network switches can meet this demand.


2.2 Network security

Airport networks must have a high level of security to protect sensitive information and passenger data. Industrial network switches usually have built-in powerful network security functions, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS) and virtual LANs (VLANs), providing a solid line of defense for airport networks.


2.3 High performance

Airports have very high data transmission needs and need to support high-bandwidth applications such as video surveillance, audio communications and real-time flight information. Industrial network switches provide excellent performance and ensure stable operation of the network under high load.


2.4 Remote management and monitoring 

Industrial network switches support remote management and monitoring, allowing airport administrators to monitor network performance in real time, perform remote maintenance and troubleshooting. This is critical to maintaining high availability and stability of the airport network.


3. Application of industrial network switches in smart airports

3.1 Security monitoring

Security at airports is a top priority, and industrial network switches are used to support security surveillance systems, including video surveillance, intrusion detection and access control. These systems help airport managers detect and respond to potential threats in a timely manner.


3.2 Flight management 

Industrial network switches play a key role in flight management systems. They connect flight information systems, boarding bridges, security equipment and boarding gates to ensure real-time transmission and coordination of flight information, improving the punctuality and efficiency of flights.


3.3 Passenger services 

Airport digital transformation also involves providing better passenger services. Industrial network switches support airport WiFi, mobile applications and self-service check-in systems, making it easier for passengers to complete check-in procedures and obtain information, improving passenger experience.


4. Successful cases

In the construction of smart airports, Daxing Airport has built 19 platforms, including 9 application platforms, 6 technology platforms, and 4 infrastructures, with a total of 68 systems. It has also built FOD, perimeter security, building automation, fire monitoring, etc. Multiple systems and platforms. These systems and facilities cover the entire Daxing Airport area and provide support for all business areas.


As a key component of the digital transformation of smart airports, industrial network switches provide airports with high reliability, network security, high performance and network management functions. By integrating modern network technologies into airport operations, airports are able to better meet passenger and operational needs, increase efficiency and provide higher levels of service. Industrial network switches will continue to play a key role in the field of smart airports, driving airports towards a safer, more efficient and more convenient future.


JHA Technology believes that the entire smart airport operation system construction can be divided into three stages. The first stage is the informatization stage, which involves sorting out business processes, summarizing massive data, and finally building an automated business system to generate massive data. The second stage is the digitalization stage, which can automatically collect, manage and integrate all kinds of massive data generated by informatization, and build the underlying infrastructure or digital base. The third stage is the intelligence stage. Faced with the large amount of data generated in the digital stage, it is empowered through technical means such as big data and artificial intelligence.


JHA Technology's overall smart airport solution is more oriented to large-scale scenarios such as new airports and new terminals. It aims to start from specific practices and realize the airport's own control over the airport through the integration of integrated platforms and the development of customized industrial network switch series products. Comprehensive access to data, industry data, and external data creates a credible, stable, and reliable data support base for the airport, realizes business digitization and data assetization with data as the core, systematically realizes the digital transformation of the airport, and provides comprehensive smart services Airport construction. 
